Tectum Wood Fiber Ceilings
Ceiling Tiles - Tectum Wood Fiber Ceiling Tiles

Tectum Wood Fiber Ceiling Tiles

Tectum products are designed for toughness and acoustics, so the Tectum Wood Fiber ceiling is no different. It is ideal for high traffic areas and open spaces. You’ll find endless possibilities with a one-of-a-kind look. These products can be attached to the walls directly as clouds or panels that are curved or squared. Custom hanging baffles are also made of Tectum and allow for more designs.

Tough & Durable

Depending on the options you choose, you can expect to pay between $4.50 and $18.00 per square foot. Also, please be aware that the product is subject to availability. We will need to order it for you, so be prepared to give us some lead time. Whether you want us to install it or supply the items to your contractor, we can help. Contact us about your project today.

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